NZDCAD Analysis (May,2021) NZX50 Stock Market Dip
Throughout the analysis we've found some interesting signs of early bulls coming into the market. However, we're still expecting...
May 25, 20213 min read

GBPJPY Fundamental Analysis (May 2021)
GBPJPY Trade Idea The United Kingdom's economy is set to rise and recover from the Corona Virus, making it one of the first advanced...
May 24, 20216 min read

GBPCAD Analysis (May, 2021) Bullish Q2?
The United Kingdom has had a massive economic expansion since opening doors and releasing itself from its near year long lockdown....
May 16, 20213 min read

Purchasing Power Parity Trading Strategies
Have you ever asked yourself why your 5 pound can barely buy you a Big Mac in the UK but... In a different country it could buy you a...
May 8, 202110 min read

AUDCHF Forex Analysis (April, 2021) Investors Bullish or Bearish?!
Nowadays, economic recovery and expectations of growth are very dependant on how COVID variants are being contained but also if a country...
Apr 18, 20215 min read

USDJPY Update (April, 2021) The bulls were right!
The start of 2021 we kick started our year with a USDJPY long trade idea. This analysis has been extremely powerful and has since reached...
Apr 6, 20214 min read

USDMXN Trade Analysis (March,2021) $1.9 Trillion Government Package
Traders there's been interesting news over the past couple weeks regarding the United States. Most of you will have heard about how most...
Mar 28, 20215 min read

EURZAR Forecast (March, 2021) South Africa's "dangerously overstretched"
The rise in commodity prices for a country like South Africa is great. The country exports various precious metals, raw materials and...
Mar 13, 20215 min read

Big Mac Index - McDonalds Index of Purchasing Power
'Burgernomics.' Ever heard of it? This term was coined alongside the invention of the big mac index by The Economist in 1986. Created as...
Mar 12, 20219 min read

GBPNZD Forecast Bullish (Mar, 2021) - The Pandemic Pound Recovery?
One very interesting news from the Bank of England was that the economy is expected to reach growth expectations 6 months in advance....
Mar 9, 20214 min read